Villanelle for the L

Villanelle for the L

We’re taking muni metro to the zoo

waiting in a motionless L Taraval–

inside the Twin Peaks tunnel there’s a queue.

Blocked box on West Portal Avenue

Ulloa’s gridlocked, ubers crawl–

we’re taking muni metro to the zoo.

Promises to speed up trains don’t ring true–

the Supervisors drive to city hall,

while inside Twin Peaks tunnel there’s a queue.

These delays are really nothing new

public streets remain a free-for-all–

we’re taking muni metro to the zoo.

The rails themselves are now brand-new

and although the tunnel’s had an overhaul–

still inside Twin Peaks tunnel there’s a queue.

When we arrive we’ll visit with kangaroo

It’s been a hundred years on the L Taraval

we’re taking muni metro to the zoo.

Inside Twin Peaks tunnel there’s a queue.